





With Vimbee consumer opinions can be targetedly communicated and evaluated without getting lost in the amount of big data in the internet. This creates the basis for an effective symbiosis of supply and demand through which everyone profits.

Vimbee Connects

For a Balance of Supply and Demand

A Sustainable Portal for Customers.

To meet your needs, transparent information and the quality standard of a strong community are the first priority at Vimbee.

Efficient Software for Companies.

The virtual insight into customer perspective serves as the basis to reach sustainable growth through the right prioritisation.

Ensuring Long-Term Success

Communication creates trust to reach the pursued goals.

Collaboratively Creating Additional Value

Through sustainable benefits in a target-oriented system with high mutual overlaps.

Steadily Towards Your Destination

Transparent overview through an intelligent data structure for safe decision making.

The Solution For a Global Problem

Big Data exists nearly omnipresent without any real use. Only with a transparent information structure sustainable and efficient results can be obtained.

Flow of Information Without a Purpose

Big-Data Chaos

Time Consuming Research
Disregarded Opinion Expression

Fruitless and Ineffective

In the growing richness of internet portals it is hard to find and compare suitable offers and information. Feedback mostly goes astray and does not reach the right recipient.

Extensive Market Research
Inefficient Communication

Expensive and Non-Systematical

At the moment cost-intensive analysis processes are needed which only produce fragmentary information about customer behaviour and needs. The communication channels are non-directional and unsustainable.

Resonance in an Efficient Loop

Big-Data Chaos

Effective Feedback

Efficient Due To Results

With Vimbee you can find the best possible results in a fast and confident way. Due to the unrestrained reach your own actions get a high influence on other users and development processes.

Efficient Search Results

Meaningful Resonance Analysis

Successful Due To Structure

With Vimbee exact customer needs become easily and detailedly evaluable. Furthermore consumers can be reached more precisely and successfully.

Aimed Reach

Big-Data Chaos